Poker News

Next week will be different, we promise. But for this week, watching this program was dangerous to your health in that it lowers your IQ. We here at Poker News Daily have the appropriate medications to alleviate those symptoms, so let us watch for you!

After looking like she was going to be the next one to walk the plank for quite some time, poker professional Vanessa Rousso has recovered to not only survive this week but also potentially move into next week’s proceedings as well on the CBS reality program Big Brother.

After Austin, one of the members of Rousso’s “Sixth Sense” alliance from the start, took over as Head of Household, it looked as though Rousso would be safe for the week. Little known to Rousso, however, was that Austin, his “showmance” Liz and her twin sister Julia had been setting other alliances behind Rousso’s back as well as considering a breakaway from Rousso. The trio batted around ideas as to whom to put on the block, seriously considering Rousso for the seat, but finally backing away from her with the theory that she would be more of a target than they would be if she was still in the game.

With that in mind, Austin decided to nominate two of the “shadow” players in the game (players that had not interacted much with the Big Brother household), John and Steve, to take the eviction chairs for the week. This set up some more difficulties in the household because one of the other partnerships set by the “Sixth Sense” alliance was with John, who didn’t take kindly to being up for eviction. John only hope, however, was in either winning the Power of Veto or swinging the eventual winner of the POV to using that veto on him.

Rousso, after having not won much of anything for some time, would take down the POV and the drama continued to unfold. Rousso was torn between using the POV on either player on the “hot seat” and, after furtive discussions with the Twins and Austin, decided not to use the POV on either players (unbeknownst to Rousso, if she had used the veto, she would have replaced that person in the eviction seat). When the vote came down tonight, five members – James, Meg, Liz, Julia and Rousso (as HoH, Austin could not vote and neither could the two players nominated) – all voted to evict John from the game.

Since this is reality television, though, there was a twist on Thursday night. After a quick interview with host Julie Chen, John and the three members of the “Jury House” – Shelli, Jackie and Becky – went back into the Big Brother compound to compete not only for a second chance in the house but also for the next Head of Household. The competition was a basic swing game – players stood on a wooden disc while holding onto a rope that went around in circles like a carousel with two huge hands to knock and spin the players as they went by. Whoever was the last person left standing became Head of Household and the last member of the “Jury House” left standing would reenter the overall Big Brother game.

Surprisingly, the three females in the “Jury House” – Shelli, Jackie and Becky – chose to fall off their platforms, basically dooming them to be part of the jury that will decide the eventual Big Brother winner. John therefore won the “Jury House” competition and was slated to come back into the house, but he wanted the whole enchilada – the Head of Household. It came down to him and Rousso for the top slot in the house and, following a deal struck between Rousso and John, John fell from his perch to give Rousso the Head of Household seat for the third time this season.

Now Rousso is faced with a significant challenge. She has to either shore up her formerly solid “Sixth Sense” alliance with Austin, Liz and Julia (who, with four of the eight seats in the Big Brother house, could basically dictate who is leaving as long as they are in power) or perhaps enter into a more tenuous alliance with the “other side” of James, Meg and Steve. Because of their deal, Rousso shouldn’t have to worry about John (who has floated between rosters throughout the show), but she would also like to have him on her side to force out the people she wants. Look for Rousso to try to break up the potential coupling between James and Meg, with a backdoor shot at Steve replacing one of them should someone use the POV to save either.

Rousso cannot get complacent here, however, as next week’s program will rock the Big Brother house even further. After Rousso’s Head of Household tenure ends next Thursday, there will be an immediate competition and another person knocked off during “Double Elimination Night.” Since the players are unaware of this, it promises to be an entertaining evening next week when Rousso’s run at the $500,000 first place prize on Big Brother continues – if she can make it through “Double Elimination Night.”


  1. that1girl says:

    Just so you know, a piece of information in this article is wrong. I understand this is a poker site, not a BB site, though.
    You had said “(unbeknownst to Rousso, if she had used the veto, she would have replaced that person in the eviction seat).” That is incorrect. Since she held the pov, she would not have been a eligible to be nominated. That is why the hgs didn’t want her to compete.

  2. Mark says:

    correction. ..with Vanessa winning POV she was then safe herself so could NOT have been the replacement nominee

  3. Earl Burton says:

    Thank you…yes, not a Big Brother watcher normally, so not fully versed in its rules!

    Thanks for reading!


  4. sandy says:

    Hope Vanessa is better at poker than she is at BB. What a winey, crying, lying, hypercritical, paranoid, bullying mess. I read somewhere she has a reputation to uphold, and integrity to maintain, even if she wins the money, she lost all that.

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