Poker News Daily

Jason Senti Video Interview

Jason Senti rejoins us and talks about life after the November Nine and how poker is going for him in 2011.

Senti recently participated in a November Nine reunion tournament at Foxwoods Casino. As rumor has it, some of the final table members from the 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event have become genuine friends. Are they really friends?

“Yeah, it’s pretty crazy,” commented Senti. “I mean, it’s one of these situations where not many people are in it so some of us have a bit of an instant bond. We also go to a lot of the same things like Foxwoods which was really cool. So, we do hang out a lot. When I got here (the LAPC at Commerce), I pulled in at 6:30 and I had already gotten a call from Matt Jarvis and Joe Choeng, so yeah, we’ve been hanging out.”

For players that follow the tournament trail, having a close knit group of friends to go over hands or just keep each other sane can be a huge boost. What is Senti’s perspective on keeping a group of friends close on the tournament trail? Senti explained, “I definitely think that is important although I am new to the tournament trail. But I do know enough people, but I don’t bring up a lot of hands when on breaks, but I really like it when I am in a situation where I know I can. Like during the Main Event this summer, I went through the majority of the tournament with two good friends, Phil Galfond and Garrett Adelstein and every break we were telling each other hands.”

Jason Senti is an instructor at along with Phil “OMGClayAiken” Galfond and comments on the site’s development and new refresh.

Senti finished in seventh place at the recent 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event.

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