Poker News Daily

PokerStars IPT San Remo 4

The Italian Poker Tour has ended for the year after hosting six successful tournaments. The last tournament on schedule was the San Remo Four which began on December 10th and concluded this past Sunday. After several days at the tables the field of players narrowed down and the competition got even tougher. The final table alone lasted for ten long hours, but Alessio Isaia finally emerged victorious, taking home 140K euros.

The tour will be back in January 14th at the Ca’Noghera Casino, and at least one event will be held at the following months until the grand final which will be hosted in April at the San Remo Casino.

In other PokerStars news, the Team Pro Tuesdays will offer all players the chance to compete against some of the best pros in the world, including the ’09 WSOP main event champion Joe Cada, and previous WSOP champions like Chris Moneymaker and Peter Eastgate.

There will be two Outlast the Pro tournaments, the first one is scheduled at 1 pm and the second one at 8 pm. The buy-in will be $11 and PokerStars will be adding an additional $1K to the prize pool. All the players that remain in the tournament after the last pro has busted out will get their share of the prize pool.

But the Team Pro Tuesdays are not only about the tournaments, they’re also about chatting and sharing with the pros. Players should keep their eyes peeled since the pros will be sitting in games of all levels.

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