Poker News Daily: Does being called a whore and a pit viper bother you?

Duke: I’ve watched all of these shows. I can see where people might develop a bad opinion of me. I understand that people think I called Brande Roderick an idiot, but I didn’t. If you believe that, then I look like an asshole. I understand that people think I’m too aggressive or too in your face. This is the first time I watched the show and asked myself how someone could possibly have had a bad opinion of me. It took 10 challenges for me to feel that way.

PND: Melissa Rivers went on a tirade of epic proportions at the end of the episode. Take us through it.

Duke: She felt like I was throwing her under the bus. However, she threw herself under the bus so beautifully that I didn’t have to say a word. If people are wondering why I had so much to do during the task, but wasn’t under attack in the boardroom, it was because Right Guard said they liked the concept, but not the photography and layout. Those were the only two things I didn’t do. Melissa was in charge of the photography, so it was either Melissa or Brande at fault.

I was clear with Brande that I had a lot of responsibilities. I made it clear to Jim Cramer that I didn’t ask for that much responsibility. Melissa’s main idea for the magazine was that we should profile David Lee’s first date. It’s for SI! No one wants to see that. She’s been deeply personal in the game and has been obnoxious to panel members in the boardroom. She’s jumped across the aisle and thrown her own team under the bus. Melissa was having this weird paranoid fantasy and kept trying to get rid of me. There was nothing I needed to do to push her over the edge. I’m not saying that if I had to, I wouldn’t have tried to set her up, but I didn’t. To win the game, you have to make sure that everyone else gets fired.

PND: Was the barrage of anti-Semitic comments from Joan Rivers troublesome?

Duke: There are things you can trivialize and things you can’t. We’re talking about the slaughter of millions of people based on their race and religion. We saw that happen in Rwanda and Kosovo too. This is a problem that everyone should be sensitive to and it’s still happening today. It shouldn’t be a Jewish thing or a Nazi thing; it should be a human thing. From the very beginning with the “Sophie’s Choice” comment to the Nazi comment at the end of the show, Joan has trivialized the events.

What did I do to deserve that kind of commentary besides not liking her daughter? Donald Trump is still trying to figure that out too. I have a very critical eye of myself. I have never lied and never made any personal attacks. I defended poker players last night. I didn’t lie to anyone. I didn’t cheat. I didn’t conspire. I didn’t bring it down to a personal level.

PND: In the boardroom, you said that Brande was your stronger competition. Is that really the case?

Duke: Both Rivers make the assumption that I’m trying to get rid of Melissa because she is the stronger competition. Let me explain it. We know our team is going to lose, which will leave us with a two people, so we are more likely to lose again. Brande was just Project Manager, so if I’m on a two-man team with Brande, I’ll be Project Manager. Who is more likely to get fired if you lose? The Project Manager! I don’t have a very strong case against Brande and I can’t use the money raising argument. I’m going to be Project Manager, which is bad for me, and Brande is much more likable than I am, which is also bad for me.

Let’s say that I’m on a two-man team with Melissa. She has lost as Project Manager and wants to win, so she will be Project Manager again. She’s weak at fundraising and she’s also less likable. I’d be heads-up against Melissa and she’d be drawing dead. By that time in the game with all of the personal attacks, I incorporated a life equity decision. When I walk away from the show, I need to have my soul intact. There was no question that Brande deserved to be there more. I didn’t want to reward Melissa’s crap.

PND: Talk about Joan Rivers rushing off the show. Do you think she will be back next week?

Duke: At the time, I didn’t think about whether she was coming back as opposed to her decision to leave in the first place. It feels like it’s a lose-lose. Let’s say that she threatens to quit, walks off, and never comes back. It’s bad for Joan because it shows her to be unprofessional and it’s bad for Melissa because she should be able to fight her own battles. Let’s say Joan walks off, but returns. Now, she looks like she was being a drama queen. We all know Trump’s mantra is that you don’t quit. Tionne Watkins got fired this season for volunteering to support her Project Manager in the boardroom.

PND: Amid the end of show tirade, Joan made the comment that Celebrity Apprentice wasn’t about charity, when in fact that was the main reason you signed up for it. She then insinuated that poker players were members of the mob and were beyond white trash. Were you proud of how you handled the situation?

Duke: I was proud of myself. All I did was defend poker players. They came out and helped raise money, asking nothing in return. Poker players believe in charity. Where were Joan’s friends? She was disparaging my friends and my community, but where was her community in all of it? She had raised somewhere between $25,000 and $40,000. Poker players came out and raised $200,000 for charity. I’m not sure that I was angry at anything she said before that moment. I signed up for the show, signed a release, and knew that I might have to defend myself against attacks like that. The community, however, doesn’t deserve scandalous attacks like the one Joan made.


  1. Mark says:

    Too much drama.

  2. Derek says:

    Annie is an awful person. I have been watching this show since the start, and I just cannot wait for her to get the boot. She sure plays the P.C. card perfectly when constantly referring to the Hitler line. The sad thing is that she really is someone that would probably stab her own family in the back if it meant furthering her own self-impressed career.

  3. Diane says:

    Annie is not to be trusted. She is ruthless, conniving and just plain heartless. Does she really think that the Apprentice viewers are dumb? Of course she threw Melissa under the bus!

    It amazes me that Trump keeps firing good people and holds onto those who will stop at nothing to get what they want. I ask you this: would it be worth it to work for that guy if you’d have to stoop to those levels, like Annie? I think not!

    Go ahead, Annie. Work for the Donald. You deserve it. I hope you can sleep at night after how you’ve treated not only Melissa but the others on both teams.

  4. Ann says:

    I wish Annie Duke much luck, and hope she takes it down. Annie Duke has exactly what it takes to be the apprentice. Melissa grow up life is hard, learn to take the good and bad, and cut the mommy cord.

    I think Joan should owes an apology to the poker community!

  5. Linda says:

    I love watching Poker on ESPN and have a lot of respect for the players. It was stupid for Joan Rivers to make a blanket statement about poker players. They are gamesmen and women. Having said that, I have watched every episode of Celebrity Apprentice. Annie Duke is not difficult to read or figure out. She is a gameswomen but she is also a awful person. Her ego is ridiculous, she is smug, and she lies. It is all about her. She has not done herself any favors on this show. I used to respect her abilities, now I see what a very small person she is. The only person that Annie Duke respects is herself and it is undeserving. On a another note, of all the female apprentices, she is most unattractive with her horse teeth, poorly died hair, and bad taste in clothes. She needs a makeover, body and mind.

  6. Mike says:

    Annie is heads and shoulders above everyone on that show! Just watch and see, she will win because she’s just too smart for the rest of them. I think Joan and Melissa Rivers were just poor sports and deep down knew they were not in Annie’s league.

  7. jj says:

    I’ve only watched for two seasons. Last year and this years Celebrity Apprentice. What everyone seems to fail to realize, is that this show is designd to get ratings. Not raise money for charity. That’s a side benefit, i.e. the reason (gravy) their suppose to be playing. If it was primarily about raising money . . . they could all make their phone calls and write their checks and it would be over. The show really is a Jerry Springer type of show . . . only with classier contestants. Well . . . except for this year. Anne, you’ve convinced me you’d eat your own children to get ahead. God only knows what your family has to deal with on a daily basis. I can only hope that you will watch yourself on this show with open eyes and realize what you have become. . . it’s not pretty . . . As far as Mom and Daughter . . . they showed their lower level of class . . . only to be chewed up and spit out by a rodent only one level above themselves.

  8. Joe says:

    I think the only “trash” on display was Joan Rivers and her daughter.

    The disgraceful insults they have thrown at Annie Duke in particular are from the gutter.

    Calling someone names like Nazi and whore only serves to show the character of the person throwing the insults, not the person being insulted.

    They should both be ashamed.

    They think Annie is bad? They are lucky they didn’t play against Piers Morgan last year!

  9. Kevin says:

    To think that the Rivers’ come out looking better than Annie is insane. I’ve never seen two adults act more like teenage girls than Joan and Melissa. Falling apart when they don’t get what they want is pathetic, especially Melissa who has needed her mom for EVERYTHING in her life and the show only reinforces that fact. Their tirades were comical, but unfortunately (or fortunately) they won’t be embarrasing themselves anymore.

  10. PJ says:

    Annie is passive/aggressive and she needs to spare us the “innocent, blameless Annie” routine. Throughout this whole interview she’s working in her insults of Joan and Melissa. If anyone has ever dealt with this kind of passive/aggressive childishness, they know how frustrating it is; it explains the Rivers’ outbursts (that, and their knowledge of what makes good TV).

    And really, how mature was Annie when she couldn’t even listen to Melissa’s ideas? It was like watching junior high girls picking on someone. NEWSFLASH, Annie, junior high was over for you a looooong time ago; time to finish your developmental stages and realize that professional adults don’t treat people the way you treated Melissa.

    Those of us that have watched this series from the beginning remember well all of the other women who were completely insulted and irritated by Annie’s behavior. In fact, the only gal I can think of who hasn’t had a problem with Annie is Brandi, and I don’t know if it’s because Brandi is being manipulated or because she’s afraid of Annie. She’s abusive to her “friends” by bullying them into giving money for charity, she’s a huge control freak (when has she not gotten her way?) and not a team player, and is an unpleasant snake.

    I hope we’re never subjected to this mean, childish, immature woman again. She may win the Celebrity Apprentice, but to have to win it in the manner she did is disgraceful.

  11. MGAKQJ10 says:

    While Annie has fine qualities such as perseverance and a congenial sense of humor, she also has an unmistakable ability to marginalize and exclude others adeptly without any conscience or awareness regarding right or wrong. If she did have a conscience regarding this she wouldn’t be on PND defending her conduct, but offering an apology for her treatment of another human being (Melissa) and for being duplicitous to Joan regarding Brande. Despite what Joan said regarding Hitler, Annie had an opportunity to react graciously under fire, and she failed. Remember, Annie, Joan is what …74-76 years old. When you told her privately your opinion of Brande, she took you at your word as any person of that age group would do. That generation (“Greatest Generation”) places a HUGE amount of trust on a person’s word/handshake and you violated her trust by failing to follow through on your word. Its a generational thing, and “GenX’ers” really do not understand the value and trust of how folks used to be and how contracts were once made in this country – folks used to shake hands on it and that was as good as gold. Well, Joan grew up in that era and I think it would be helpful if you tried to understand her point of view. As for me, I’d want to have a reputation that “she’s a woman of her word.” I would want folks to know that I don’t talk out of both sides of my mouth or that I’m a “backstabber” (IIRC Joan called you that). Think its being trustworthy, and you lost it with Joan. Personally I really don’t think its what Brande is so much as what you led Joan to believe about her (hope I am being understood here). Are poker players hurt by this? Ans.: Yes, because players would want the public at large to NOT view players as underhanded or conniving rip-offs always looking to take advantage through any means possible. This whole thing is really sad and I think Annie owes Joan an apology and Joan owes Annie an apology but Annie should apologize first.

  12. Mike says:

    Annie Duke is disgusting. She has no character at all. Donald Trump should be ashamed of this season. It should be called Losers and Has Beens Apprentice !

    I don’t think any of these people should win. Cancel the show. Just have them write checks.

  13. alabah says:

    I have been folowing the show.. ..I can honestly say that Annie is actually playing a great game.. this is a game after all….. I watch this show for entertainment purposes only.. and I gots to say.. the show will be too sane to watch now that the crazy Rivers duo are gone.

    I hope Annie wins :) she deserves it the most out of all that are left.. Jessie :) u are a cutie in the ruggedly handsome sort of way :D

    I feel the need to point out something odd…. from reading some of the comments below.. I am almost certian that the crazy Rivers duo are writing comments in defence for themselves.

  14. MGAKQJ10 says:

    I’m not any “crazy Rivers duo.” They were pushed to their limits and made mistakes as anyone less than a saint would do in that situation. No one is saying that they have not made mistakes, but to state that Annie is blameless in this is in denial.

    Wanted to add that Jim Cramer, the one who wanted Melissa out, actually admitted to committing multiple felonies when interviewed by

    I’m referring to the famous 2006 interview from’s “Wall Street Confidential” webcast which stirred controversy after it appeared on In this video, Cramer described activities used by hedge fund managers, including himself, to manipulate stock prices; some illegal and some debatably legal. He described how he could push stocks higher or lower with as little as $5 million in capital when he was running his hedge fund.

    But perhaps his appearance on Celebrity Apprentice was meant to encourage all those Wall Street psychopaths that you can still be a crook and be OK!

  15. marxthespot says:

    Melissa Rivers’ tirade was not professional. She let what she saw get the best of her.

    If I were Melissa Rivers, I would have said in the Boardroom that….
    Annie should be fired because she hasn’t shown integrity or character throughout the competition. She has been snuggling up to and using Brande to get me (Melissa) out of the way. Then, she would do the same to Brande. Yes, Annie is smart and savvy, but utlimately to be an ongoing success in business, others need to know that you have integrity and chatacter. Otherwise, you will lose your customers, partners, and allies. Annie has not shown those qualities. Should she be the one that is on top at the end, then the message will be that in business, character and integrity are just not that important, and ultimately, that degrades all of us……

    If Melissa had said something like that in the boardroom, they would have fired Brande instead…and used the “well, you were the project manager” as justification. They wouldn’t get rid of Annie due to ratings, unless they really had to. However, I think Annie should have been fired.

    Annie deliberately made sure that she did most of the work on this task. I think she purposely did a medicore job so that if they lost, (a) Brande would take the fall as project manager or (b) by doing most of the work, that would piss and exclude Melissa. I guess it was her plan “B” that played out.

    From what I have seen, Annie is someone whom I would not trust or even wnat to bother with….

  16. Sheri says:

    When Joan called Annie Hitler, I wonder if she knew that Annie’s birthname was Lederer. No worries, though. People like Annie usually self-destruct somewhere along the way.

  17. wayne says:

    It amazes me how you people leave bad comments about someone you dont even know.Annie Dueke is a good person an I hope she wins.Why dont some of you stop being so critical of someone you dont even know.And by the way people get a life.

  18. Carlos says:

    Annie Duke is playing a great game. The Rivers are an embarrassing, mean, petty, insecure duo. Hope u win, Annie! :O)

  19. Creeped out by Annie says:

    Annie is the epitome of what’s wrong with America today!
    JMO, but …
    She reminds me of someone who has sociopathic tendencies/behaviors … creepy, I’d say.
    At least Joan/Melissa are pretty honest and straightforward people. I prefer their tirade than the coldness of someone like Annie …. she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing in many ways. People like Annie are not trustworthy ….

  20. Steve says:

    Stick with it Annie, you are playing it well! Last year’s winner, Piers, also became unpopular as he appeared tough and ruthless to onlookers, but like him you know that when the chips come down, only the winner will have the respect and their own self-respect as they leave the final boardroom. All that will be remembered of the Rivers’ duo is the histrionics and the failure. Well done, Annie, I do believe that you will win this game.

  21. John says:

    I can,t believe how many people are lined up to attack Annie Duke. Lmao. You have two woman, One who likened her to Hitler (then she recounted and said she gave Hitler a bad name) Then the other one Who called her ex team mates Whores. Why Because one of them was in position to lose on the game? I have heard White trash comments and interestingly enough I think the 2 Rivers Gals give White Trash a bad name. They showed such a lack of Class. Common practice by those who only can shine so bright, They seek to dull others. My joy is that all the money in the world will not fix The Damage That Joan and Melissa brought on themselves. People with Class don’t call people Whores or Pieces Of Sh*t because they out played you in a game. Joan not only insulted Annie but many others by her total lack of control. Pull up some pictures of Jack Nicholson from Batman and youll see that Joan is indeed a “Joke” As Far as melissa goes, Just Knowing that she will never be happy with life is enough for me.

  22. Brent says:

    IMO, Annie is playing the GAME (stress GAME) the only way it should be played…straight up and without personal agenda from what I’ve seen. The point is to: 1. help as many charities as possible 2. win the game. Unprofessional people when faced with being viewed as weak, will resort to personal attacks to “deflect” the inadequate performance of said person.

    Should anyone bring personal attacks to their job on a daily basis? Not a good idea all around.

  23. Sam says:

    Annie pats herself on the back for her understanding of game theory and her ability to manipulate people to see things to her advantage.

    Her interview is just more of her game-theory in action. At least with Joan and Melissa the anger is sincere.

  24. January says:

    Those of you who bashed Annie should grow up. Brent is right it is a game. I would bet none of you know Annie and are basing your vitriolic opinions of her on a television program that has been cut in such a way to highlight certain comments and actions for ratings. It is all about context. There is never any context in which to call someone Hitler or blanket an entire group of people, poker players, as white trash. Good Luck Annie!

  25. Robert O says:

    Annie has nothing to be ashamed of. The great thing about Annie (and I guess why she is a good poker player) is that she learns as she goes. On the very first episode I wasn’t that impressed by her, I thought she came across as too pushy and a know it all. As the shows progressed, she became more of a team player and more genial. I hope its her or Jessie who win… BTW, now I know why Edgar did what he did. Can you imagine being in a house with Joan and Melissa? And what about Melissa’s ex-husband? What horror did he have to live trough with the Gray Gardens Duo?

  26. Lana says:

    Annie will most likely win, I don’t think she would allow otherwise. Do I think she has demonstrated the excellent qualities of a leader? No, she’s a manipulator and untrustowrthy. I wouldn’t want to work for her.
    But this is reality T.V. and I’m sure the Don is happy with the Drama as far as ratings go. Joan and Melissa, well, they lost their composure badly and let Annie get inside their heads and that is unfortunate. Melissa can be really annoying and spoiled and it disturbs me that she’s had facework done at her age.
    The most puzzling player to me is Brande. WTF? If Trump wasn’t drooling everytime he talks her, she’d be long gone. She did raise a bunch of cash from some rich ol’ horn dogs, but please, she is so obtuse. Ditch the air-head. I hope Jesse wins.

  27. MGAKQJ10 says:

    As far as her “game-theory” is concerned, she’s lost it with a lot of people, women in particular, because she failed to wait before making her call on Brande Roderick to Joan until she read the House, which in this case is DT.

    Melissa is a calling station, which Annie really should have wanted to remain in the game. Melissa was dead money and Annie failed to use that to her advantage…not sure why game-theory is being used to give her accolades.

    Brande has already given a tell by stating she’s prepared to give $250k to her charity and so has Jesse – he’s already said something about “not wasting it but saving for when it really counts.”

    So, really, she should have not gotten rid of Melissa…..

  28. MGAKQJ10 says:

    I agree with Lana, I think its all about making money off of creation of controversy, and loving to see contestants get humiliated, embarrassed, shocked, you-name-it – all for creating a bigger audience hungry for the shock factor and the ad dollars that come with a big TV audience.

    Take a look at what happened to Miss California – who was asked a loaded question by an avowed and well-known gay rights advocate. This guy was a Judge – placed there by DT probably for the shock factor and certainly DT got his money’s worth – the Judge calling Miss Cali a *itch and a c**t.

    Whether she realizes it or not, Annie is being played too or why else was Jesse and not Melissa put on Kotu???? hmmmmm….

  29. Brenda says:

    It was embarassing to watch Joan and Melissa the other night. Talk about being a rich, spoiled kid. Melissa said through the whole eposide that everything was so “highschool” – well look who acted highschool after being fired?

    I can accept some playing for the camera to get ratings, but Melissa looked like such an idiot. I have lost all respect for her and it is time that Joan stops the breast feeding. Melissa is doing a good job of making a fool of herself, all by herself. Joan should have stayed out of it, because now I have lost respect for her too.

    Do they not realize that “THIS IS A GAME PEOPLE”… get over yourselves.

    I hope Jesse wins!

  30. sway says:

    My only comment on Annie Puke is where did you charity $ go????

    What about charity at home, here in the US – I am all for helping another country but right now we need to help ourselves!

  31. james says:

    Annie plays games in everything she does. I think Annie even plays games with herself. In reality, Annie is an insecure person who has made it big and has huge fear inside of going back to the poor neighborhood that she came from.

    People like Annie are sad. I definitely would not want her as my friend, she can not be trusted cause she would always be looking for my weakness and then use that against me later on. How very sad Annie Duke, how very sad!

    And Donald Trump…. you ask Jim Cramer for advice…. how pathetic. Jim should be jail after he has told millions of people to invest in companies that he knew were junk and going under. Jim is an absolute criminal and an insult to both you Mr. Trump and Mark Burnett.

  32. David says:

    Joan Rivers seems to have this sterotype that people who gamble or play poker are hustlers or con men. These days with casinos everywhere, lotteries and online gambling just about everyone gambles.

  33. Jay says:

    I love the Rivers’ and I seriously hope that Joan comes back next week. Jim Kramer is a fraud and Trump should be ashamed for associating the show with this DB. It is complete B.S. that overall fundraising came into this as the reason to keep Brandee over Melissa. Why even cast the show then? Just find the richest person with the most connections willing to give cash and crown them the winner. Like Omorosa could have even competed with well connected celebs last season., hell no! It should be based on the celebs actual talents, not their ability to manipulate friends into giving them money. If it is based soley on who raises the most money, untalented celebs will win if they can beg friends or daddy for money. Also, can we get some real celebs on this show? Annie is not a Celebrity. I had never heard of her before this show along with 95% of the rest of the country.

  34. Linda says:

    This was the worst show. Annie and Brandi gained up on Melissa right from the start. I thought the project manager gets fired if the team looses, what happened? You passed a note to Jim Cramer after he returned it to you, the tables were turned against Melissa. I think you treated your celebrity guest awful, everyone loves Joan and Melissa Rivers, who is annie? Both Annie and Brandi are evil and they showed that to everyone. Mr. Trump I thought you were a fair and upright business man I wonder how many people will watch your program now? I know I will not watch, unless an apology is giving to both celebrities. Melissa was trying to tell you what annie and brandi was doing and you did not want to hear it. People should not be rewarded for mistreating other team members.

  35. Dee says:

    Early in the season my husband said that Annie could easily win this year. Over the last few weeks I have to agree with him. GO ANNIE!

    As for most of the Annie haters posting messages here, I wouldn’t put it past Joan & Melissa to be the ones writing them. After all, when Melissa appeared on that terrible show “I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here”, it was reported that Joan hired people to vote for Melissa to keep her from being eliminated.

    But I do kind of feel sorry for Melissa… She has had her face pulled so tight and so much botox injected that the only thing that moves is her mouth. So I guess I would be in a bad mood too if I had all of that work done to my face. But I think that Melissa probably has a lot of issues that have nothing to do with her plastic surgery.

  36. Shikki says:

    Annie I have a new respect for you after reading this piece. I hope you win!

  37. what a joke says:

    Horrible decision by Donald Trump. Brande failed to deliver what a REAL project manager would do if this was real life. She failed to consider not only the technical skills of each person, but also the critical roles and chemistry between team members. Without a doubt I knew they were going to lose just horrible teamwork. Brande failed to include Melissa in the team by not listening and discussing the ideas being discussed by each team member. Either she set up Melissa for failure or she is just dumb playboy bunny (I’m going for the dumb part, she seemed confused). I guess if it doesn’t involve sex it doesn’t make sense. She failed to deliver what a TRUE project manager would do, which is be open for communications and ensure that project participants can voice their opinions and concerns. Something anyone with some good common sense would’ve noticed that she didn’t, that didn’t seemed like a team. It seemed like a team of Annie and Brande. All Brande did was agree with Annie, not question or debate anything about it and ignore Melissa’s ideas. Melissa was really put in a tough position I can see why she was so angry because in real life Brande would’ve been fired for failing to deliver adequate leadership abilities and ability to manage a team. Obliviously, this show is not about skills but about who can raise the most money (get the most ratings), which obviously no doubt the airhead playboy star will deliver and the egotistical, self centered poker lady will do so too, otherwise her friends will have to deal with her bitchy self.

    In regards to Donald Trump’s views. He is a clueless as to what it takes to be a real project manager, he fails to understand the concept of what a real project manager should be and how much responsibility they have, lost a lot of respect on Donald Trump, not that I had much to start with. Must be the toupee that he is wearing that is too tight causing him to lose focus and not think logically. I guess all he could see is RATINGs… RATINGs… RATINGs…

  38. Ruth says:

    Annie Duke is cold, heartless and a know it all. I think that is what galls me the most. Every week she takes over everything. she is like a pit bull. I cant stand her, and I hope she doesnt win. Joan Rivers is a class act. and by the way, Annie does act like hitler

  39. MGAKQJ10 says:

    Hi Dee!

    Did you catch a glimpse of Brande’s lip implants??? Or that she has breast implants???

    Or how about Annie’s boast that she gives the best bl*w jobs??? I’m sure that will go against her at the table…all the other players will just bring her bl*w job boast up and that will really mess with her…. mother of 4 boasting about that on national TV, I’m sure her kids will hear about that one from the kids at school.

  40. kamadi says:

    Annie is a Bitch,… although effective, she does portray women as proffesionals , like machiavelly for her The ends justify the means, watching her push people at the auction was revolting,….Jesse should win,…. He’s calm and cool and level headed , he’s surprised everybody…., I would gladly do business with him, with Annie not in a million years…

  41. Brenda says:

    Goodbye to the Rivers gals. They both act like children when things don’t go their way. So sick of listening to them bitch. Way to go Annie. Play the game to win. That is after all what you are theree for. Hate Clint Black, he has no personality. Love Jesse, he has great personality and can really be funny.

  42. Penny says:

    Joan Rivers is AWESOME! Annie Duke is a card player. That’s her job, a CARD player. Nothing more, nothing less. Annie makes a living playing cards! A monkey can play cards…hell, we all can. She just took it to a different level and thinks she is the best card player. Only in Annie’s world is she the best … everything! In the real world, being a gambler is one step up from a person that sucks farts out of carseats at a carwash! Annie’s gambler “peeps” will dump her the second her luck turns bad. Joan Rivers on the other hand could set fire to an orphange on Christmas Eve and still have an ocean of fans that would adore her! Annie’s cold hearted snake lifestyle will come back to bite her someday. Boo Hoo-who cares. She’ll be Annie ‘who’ and Joan Rivers will always be lovingly remembered. The facts are the facts! It is time for all of you CARD players to put on your big boy/girl panties and realize that you have a problem called ‘gambling addiction’. You can’t do an honest days work, so you gamble! What a sad lot you are!

  43. TKS says:

    After watching team Rivers these last few weeks I now understand why Edgar Rosenberg killed himself. What a couple of shrews.

  44. Faye says:

    Well, Annie is TOO FACED and I don’t get her at all!

  45. twj says:

    I see strengths in both Annie and Joan. Joan’s downfall is having her daughter on the show with her. She schooled everyone else (OK, a tie with Annie) on that show at every challenge (as far as final product and performance/presentations) and she contributes wherever she can. I loved her comments about Jesse’s behavior in their challenge. Once you’re on a team, you do your best for your team.

    Annie is too busy putting herself #1 and talking about herself to bother looking up the definition of “team”. Talk about the opposite of Joan in that regard. Yet, they are both effective at getting a good product out and giving 100%.

    I liked Melissa’s comments about Annie’s manipulation of Brande and how she took over and planned everything, but then followed up with the comments that she would do anything Brande told her to do.

    The Rivers’ downfall is when it comes to Melissa’s pre-teen paranoia that she never got over and the way that both of them deal with social situations. Melissa looks to be the victim when her “Look at me!” is no longer effective. The problem, really, is that Melissa acts too much like Annie Duke in a “team” atmosphere, and since Annie is more overbearing, Melissa couldn’t take that role as Alpha Dog. Or Alpha Bitch. Melissa’s “I did this, I did that, that was MY idea” was drowned out by Annie’s insistence that things were HER idea. So Melissa switched to the “they’re picking on me” tactic.

    It’s too bad that they didn’t show more of the brainstorming with the Athena team to see how it really went down. Did they just completely pretend that Melissa wasn’t in the room when she spoke, or was it creative editing? Did they bother to TELL Melissa that they thought she was going down the wrong path with her ideas (so that she could recognize and change course)? It was edited to look like Annie kept it to herself and just blasted Melissa in the confessional instead.

    The bottom line is that Melissa freaked out and looked younger and more immature as her tantrum went on. When she threw in the comment out of left field about her ouchie on her foot I laughed out loud. What does that have to do with it? And did you notice her RUNNING on said foot? But she put on the big boot to be more dramatic.

    This show has sure brought out the worst sides in all of the celebrities. I don’t know how they would ever cast another one. Talk about uncomfortable situations on “The Office”! This show takes the cake. I fast forward through some of those confrontations because I can’t stand to look at them acting like ASSES. Jesse has such good qualities, but they make sure to show that he is an ass, too, even as quiet as he is.

    I don’t know if anyone else here has commented that they see good and bad qualities in both the Rivers’ and Annie. Most seem to just want to be mean and pick “sides”. I don’t have a stake in this, so I don’t have to pick a side.

    Joan will always be overprotective of her daughter.

    Melissa seems she will never be able to feel comfortable with herself. She knows that the world sees her as just Joan’s daughter and so she’s always felt the need to shove any accomplishment in people’s faces. But then she takes every opportunity to make money off of her “I’m Joan’s Daughter” title. She needs to just own it and admit it. THEN people will respect her. It is amazing what laughing at yourself can do for a public image. When she has to tell people that she’s produced the Red Carpet shows, it is so beyond tacky, it’s sick. But to SHOW her producing a show was impressive. If you just talk about it, it means nothing to anyone except the person talking.

    Annie is always right and she’s always perfect. I think she’s been hanging with Phil Hellmuth too much. She is MODEST when measured next to him, so her perception is WAY off. She was studying for her PHD in psychology, so she can twist any situation to make herself the winner. I worked with and had a roommate who both majored in psychology. You can perceive a situation so many different ways, it’s just what you decide to emphasize. Annie is a genius at this. She points out her own attributes first, as opposed to immediately talking down about someone else’s effort. She says “I raised the most money” as opposed to “Melissa doesn’t raise any money”. As annoying as it is to hear her talk about herself, it’s better than just bringing someone else down. Too many people choose to bring others down to build themselves up, but Annie works hard and builds herself up. The problem is she shouts and says “Look at me up here! The view is GREAT! I got up here all by myself!” And for SOME reason, that doesn’t sit well with others. I’m sure she doesn’t see it that way.

  46. Kenny says:

    Annie plays in a man’s world and She has developed strong traits which make her a strong competitor and a tremendous competitor. Melissa has been coddled for her whole life and She can’t battle under this type of pressure. Her tirade has exposed her as the spoiled Hollywood brat that She is. The biggest laugh to me was Joan “the moan” Rivers trashing the Poker community. Does She think that stand up comedians rank high on the brain chain?
    The real winner is Donald Trump because He is getting good ratings and the show is very entertaining even If it does expose the Rivers women as idiots. I don’t feel that Hitler remarks are proper especially from a Jewish person. I think that it disrespects the victims and the families of the holocaust.

  47. David says:

    Penny: it is not gambling poker is a game of skill. P.S. Joan is a plastic faced monster.

  48. Jake says:

    Annie u are unbelieveble i like joan rivers but her duaghter is a baby and also annie i agree with joan saying u have tottaly miniplulated brande like cmon i know joan rivers will come back and i want brande to win :) or joan

  49. Cindy says:

    I don’t believe that Annie Duke took on the the Apprentice Challenge to do anything other than put herself out there to people that had no idea what she did. Until the Apprentice, I had never heard of Annie Duke.

    I will go one step further regarding Ms. Duke: If she played poker as well as she dupes and lies and underminds, she would probably have been a well known name.

    Enough said; Melissa and Joan are legendary and what you are seeing are 2 women that are classy enough to drag a snake into the daylight and call it what it is with Duke. Duke does bring an essence of entertainment to the show in the sense that she is see through with every diabolical move that she thinks is unknowingly being calculated. Again,…….no wonder I’ve never heard of her before now.

  50. Cindy says:

    *L* One more thing. I’d love to be a fly on the wall at the Donalds penthouse. He tried to date Brandi once and she ignored his gestures. Donalds wife is likely seething that Brandi has been allowed to continue. Donald loves his women that’s for sure!

    See, men like Donald Trump like to conquer. He didn’t get to conquer Brandi. Donald won’t let her go that easy. It is not just “business” with all of Donalds moves.


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